Sunday, December 9, 2012

And We Dance

You know I've got to say it really hasn't that been an eventful week. In any event, I'll head over to the Tube to find a video so I can provide some insight flavored with some flamboyant language from yours truly. Off we go.

And here we are:

Ah, the perplexities of time travel. It really is a difficult concept. So many paradoxes that in fact ever harnessing time travel may seem impossible. You've got to think. If time travel were ever invented and the inventors decided to travel back in time, wouldn't they be living among us? It's just so darn confusing to think about. I was watching some Morgan Freeman documentary awhile back about how one could technically time travel into the future by travelling at an extremely fast rate through space and this apparently makes time travel slower for those who were travelling in space and by the time they got back 100 years would have passed on Earth and only 10 for them. I don't know. Weird stuff. That's it for today. Night folks.

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