Hey. My name's Jordan. I go to school. At Montgomery Blair High School. It's nice. I learn things. That's what I do. Having been in the Humanities and Communication Program at Eastern Middle school, I've been exposed to various types of film for roughly three years prior to coming to Blair. I've always been interested in the cinematographic aspect of film making; using different camera angles and shots to provide an enhanced experience for viewers. Yeah. Always liked that stuff. Actually, in the 8th grade, we took this real cool trip to New York where we shot an interview of a former actor and were later required to create a brief documentary about said actor through the use of both A-roll of the interviewee and B-roll created from shots around the city. It was a really great project. There was actually a small rodent in the hotel we stayed in. I'm still not sure if it was a rat or not. Either way, we killed it. Don't worry, I'm kidding. Oh wait, I'm not. Being involved in the project really got me interested in the film world, which led me to get my own cheap camera and start shooting away. Anyway, let's see. Ways we can use these blogs this year. I mean I guess we could use them to share our thoughts on classes in CAP 10, as in thoughts on assignments or lessons plans, to work to benefit the educational environment. But I bet loads of people have already come up with something similar. Or how about to showcase some of our accomplishments during the year. Maybe we could even use them to raise awareness about how much of a problem procrastination is. All are possibilities. Well! That's all the assignment asked me to do so I guess that's it for now.
Oh wait. I have to find a picture.

Check it out. Alright. That's it.
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